Mystic Cats is an action-packed top-down fantasy game where players take on the role of a powerful cat wizard, battling through treacherous dungeons and vanquishing hordes of enemies with a vast array of magical spells. 

With anime-inspired visuals and a deep, immersive world to explore, Mystic Cats is the ultimate mobile gaming experience for fans of dungeon-crawlers, fantasy, and all things feline. Explore intricate, labyrinthine dungeons filled with traps and puzzles, and engage in thrilling battles against fearsome monsters and other formidable foes. 

With intuitive controls and fast-paced gameplay, Mystic Cats is the perfect game for players of all skill levels, from casual gamers to hardcore dungeon-crawling veterans. So what are you waiting for? Download Mystic Cats today and begin your epic adventure! 

browser version

This browser version is a reduced sample version so you can see what the game is about.

Official version

The game is still in production and its updates are published on Playstore:


✨Raimichi (lightning cat)

✨Mizushu (water cat)

✨Kinnix (fire cat)

✨Nyko (darkness cat)

✨Gato Yatiri


⭐️6 levels (single player)

⭐️Duel (2 multiplayer online)

Look at the comments to find out the notes of the released versions

Keywords: top-down, action-packed, fantasy, cat wizard, magical spells, anime-inspired visuals, immersive world, dungeon-crawler, puzzles, battles, fast-paced gameplay, casual gamers, hardcore veterans, epic adventure.

Also available on


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🌟Android Versión 1.2.7🌟


-Duel mode (multiplayer) was implemented


-Multiplayer only has 2 cats available


-Duel mode has no sounds

-Duel mode has a bug in the damaged animation

-Duel mode has a bug in the super cat animation, if you upgraded your cat in the store, the hat may not appear in duel mode, but you will have your 2nd spell enabled.